Privacy Policy for Winder Law Firm Website


At Winder Law Firm, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our website, Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not access the site.

Website Details

Website Name: Winder Law Firm website
Website URL:

Contact Information

Website Owner/Operator: Aaron A. Winder
Contact Email for Privacy Concerns:
Data Protection Officer (DPO): Not applicable (small business)

Data Collection

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data: Name, email, phone number, and legal case information.
Sensitive Personal Data: Legal case information may include sensitive details such as health information and racial or ethnic origin.

Methods of Data Collection

Data Collection Methods: Forms, cookies, and analytics tools (Google Analytics 4 and Tag Manager).
Automatic Data Collection: Data is collected automatically through these tools.

Purpose of Data Collection

Purpose: Marketing, sales, and sometimes reselling the user’s information as a lead.

Data Usage

Usage: Collected data is used for marketing, sales, and lead generation purposes.
Third-Party Sharing: Data may be shared with lead generation companies or law firms for their respective purposes.

Legal Basis for Data Processing

Legal Basis: Consent (users need to submit their data through a form).

Data Storage and Security

Data Storage

Storage Locations: Google Analytics 4 and our email inbox.
Data Retention Period: Data is retained as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy.

Data Security

Security Measures: SSL encryption to protect data.

User Rights

Access, Correction, and Deletion

Access/Correction/Deletion: Users can email to access, correct, or delete their data.

Withdrawal of Consent/Opt-Out

Opt-Out: Users can opt-out by not submitting the contact form. Google Analytics 4 does not capture IP addresses.

Children’s Privacy

Intended Audience: The website is not intended for children under any specific age.
Data Collection from Children: It is highly unlikely, but children could hypothetically submit information via the contact form. No specific measures are in place for obtaining parental consent.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Cookies Used: Google Analytics 4.
Managing/Disabling Cookies: Users can manage or disable cookies through their browser settings.

International Data Transfers

International Transfers: Data may be transferred internationally.
Safeguards: We rely on legally provided mechanisms to lawfully transfer data across borders, such as Standard Contractual Clauses.

Policy Updates

Informing Users of Changes: Users will be informed about significant changes to the privacy policy via updates on this page.


Regulations and Laws: The website operates in the state of Nevada for local personal injury cases but accepts mass tort clients from all 50 states.

Additional Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at